Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rules Updates.

Alright Punks, Got some rules updates and shit.
192.) Possession trumps dibs.*
193.) Häagen Dazs
194.) Movies trump video games, especially as pertaining to rule 7.*
195.) Rule 46 is hereby canceled, due to the red ring.*
196.) Richey only rules 2 things: jack and shit, and jack just left town.
197.) If you're about to get your shit rocked, raise your hand, and by "raise your hand" i mean "don't get your shit rocked."*

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rules As Pertaining To The Night Of October 10th.

Ok guys, we got some talking to do about "going out to party." Seriously, last night was not cool, ok? Firkins, I am Disappoint. For those of you who did not share the misery that was my attempt at getting some, I'll fill you in. Last night me, Nic, Jason, Mike, DStew and Thomas went out in an attempt at partying and it failed MISERABLY. From the rules posted below, I bet you can guess why. These are some ground rules that would have made the night better.

180.) no more than three guys to a team. as the bro code states, "one bro makes a solo attack, the second provides a crutch. a third bro rounds out the team but a fourth (or more) is just too much.)"*
181.) if you're going out, unless it's impossible to do so, leave before one o clock.*
182.) don't go smoke or do anything that would:*
-take away from the time spent going out
-count as "pregame"
-make you look/smell/act(thomas) stupid
-make the others have to wait while you do it.
183.) carry protection*
184.) don't ever act retarded. It makes other people, who could be helping the group's cause, not want to have anything to do with us. I wish that I wouldn't have to even post this, but seriously thomas. last night was not cool, and I AM intentionally calling you out on this one.*
185.) henceforth, "going out" will be referred to as "going walkabout"*
186.) if someone brings up going walkabout, you will never say "let's do (blank) for a while and then go." you are wasting time and we WILL leave without you.*
187.) make sure that you are appropriately dressed for both the weather and the game.*
188.) if you have to go to the bathroom beforehand, or do anything that is required to be physically competent, you are allowed to break rule 182, but your action must be approved by the other 2 member of your team.*
189.) make sure you have a full stomach before going walkabout.*
190.) you may only pass up an opportunity for some if it has been decided by the group that the "some" is*
-a landbeast
-a bitch
-totally gross
-any mixture of those four, or any reason not written that would prevent a happy night.
191.) if you make any sort of dnd joke while on walkabout, you must GT the FO unless the group has decided that you are a necessary part of the team, and as such would be missed.*

NOTICE: please take note that all of these rules have been asterisked, therefore, aside from the main rules page, THIS PAGE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULES UPDATE YET. also take note that, almost any bad experience can easily be avoided by following these rules. also also note that i am very disappoint.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Special Zombieland Update

Just got back from the movie Zombieland, and there are some rules in there that I feel should be updated.

172.) nut up or shut up.*
173.) wear your seatbelt*
174.) enjoy the little things.*
175.) remember the double tap.
176.) cardio.
177.) beware of bathrooms.
178.) check the back seat.
179.) limber up*

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rules Updates.

170.) Don't be a rules lawyer. Remind people but don't be a dick.*
171.) Don't take advantage of the rules. (i.e., saying "this shit is bananas" just to make people spell the fruit.)*